Monday, October 16, 2006

Response to Latest Clinton Sound Bite That Republican Extremist Have Divided The Country

I read a Reuter's article today by Kay Henderson quoting former President Clinton at a fund-raiser in Iowa. As usual the former President remains a media magnet and his comments continue to formulate Democratic Talking Points and election strategy. Without intending to disparage the former President, I disagree with the premise of his message and also contend that his observations are inaccurate on several levels.

First, there exists no comprehensive right wing conspiracy or sliver group that has undermined the consensus of public opinion (at least none that has any far reaching impact). The vast divide among the populace about various issues is instead a more visible divergence in their beliefs on underlying social issues and the impact they perceive of these issues on society as a whole. In essence, the Left and President Clinton in particular have fallen prey to the old saying, "Don’t believe your own press." For decades the Liberal elites have convinced themselves that their views on issues of interest were in line with the majority of mainstream America. With this distorted view they have moved their platforms towards extremism that pales in comparison to any analogies made to the Republican Platform.

Rather than erecting divides among the populace, the American people have begun to voice their concern and views without the Mainstream Media prism to correct any unwanted nonconformism. As the Democratic faithful feel now with George W. Bush as President, the conservative groups throughout the country felt during the entire presidency of Bill Clinton. The first reaction is disbelief that any measurable number of Americans would elect any individual so diametric to our core felt beliefs, the second is an overwhelming sense of frustration that the individual in the Oval Office sets forth and accomplishes their intended agenda.

Secondly, neither side has perpetrated the division, they have simply through their media sources been able to mobilize their like-minded fellows to vocally support or oppose the party objectives. While vilification is a normal and expected response, in the end you have to be able to recognize the truth in order to be effective in re-establishing your goals. In the terms of the Republicans, they seem to have figured it out... your constituents (those who elected you, not just those who gave you money) expect you to advance their interests. While the Democrats and Clinton struggle to understand why their mainstream liberal views no longer carry the day. (Hint: It never was a mainstream held belief)

In the end, the societal issues of abortion, religious freedom, the war and the Government's handling of these issues are never going to have a result that pleases everyone because the base line for each group is worlds apart. We’re a divided nation on these issues because we are a divided people on our beliefs. As such, there can be no middle ground when the other viewpoint is irreconcilable with our core felt beliefs. Unless there is a change of heart on either side, then there is no middle ground to agree upon.

The text of the Reuter's article can be read at the below link or found on the Drudge Report:


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