Friday, January 23, 2009

When Truth is Called Lies...

Isaiah 5:20-21
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight."

When Israeli troops are demonized because of civilian casualties, while the media completely ignores that the civilians were placed and kept in harm's way by Hamas, it begins to defy logic that these types of outright lies are tolerated. When the Israelis drop leaflets into combat targets to warn away civilians that they are about to attack, it is beyond credulity that any military objectives are achieved. Instead Hamas keeps in place their human shields while loudly cursing the Israelis when civilians including women and children are killed by the strikes. All the while, they steal aid supplies and use them for their own purposes or worse "sell" them to their own people. Throughout this travesty, the U.N. condemns Israel and arabs curse the Jews to nods of approval thoughout the world. Unless we open our eyes and see the truth before us, we will not only allow evil to triumph but even worse become an ally with it.

Through the years of working in the legal field, I have often seen that in order to fully understand something or to see the truth in a set of complex and confusing facts, you have to be patient and take the time to consider everything suspending your judgment to follow the evidence wherever it may lead. We as a people have become lazy and no longer have the patience or the will to search out truth and instead quickly accept the easy lies. Often I have seen competent attorneys in their rush to get something done or move a case along, fail to take the time to hear the whole story. Instead they want a quick "sound bite" which fails to fully convey the whole story or fully explain the true issue. In the same way, the American people have lost their discernment as they have accepted without question the news stories of the day which have been twisted to satisfy certain idealogical views. Because they fail to fully consider all of the facts of the news, without question they have failed to recognize when they are given lies and as a result reject the truth. In these times of complete propaganda by the media and their embracing ultimate power by their choice of President, the public has rushed headlong into value judgments which are twisted and in their truest sense are inherently evil. As the media has protected, defended and promoted evil, they have played a major role in the dismantling of the protections which preserve our society.

In the end, the American people have lost their way and have become so used to lies, that they no longer recognize the truth when it is before them. In the same way, they have been beguiled to follow madness as our new leader begins dismantling the very institutions and safeguards which have prevented another 9/11. As the storm approaches, I can only pray that as the wind and waves hit, people will shed their blindness and seek again to know truth.

President Obama in less than a week in office has begun tearing down the foundations of our country's defenses. As he limits the CIA's activities, prohibits extreme interrogation techniques, closes Guantanamo Bay and draws back the security measures that have prevented our enemies from mounting another successful attack, he has thrown open our country's doors inviting terrorism to strike us again. All the while, this is done to cheers from the political left, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN as well as a majority of the American populace who have forgotten the shock, sadness, horror and anger when the towers came down. As our enemies circle even now preparing to strike, I pray that WHEN the attack comes the cost will not be more than we can bear but will revive the fire of true patriotism that built our country.

"Those who refuse to recognize evil and thus fail to protect and defend liberty will not enjoy it for long"


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