Friday, February 27, 2009

Its Not Just A Lack of Education or Opportunity...

As the recent headlines in New Orleans blared to the world that Mardi Gras has become very dangerous and violent, the local forums on rang with self enlightened people blaming the problem on society's failure to provide opportunity for the disadvantaged poor. One well intentioned idiot using the screen name "newtonawlins" even demanded we tax the private school tuition and give it to the public education system.

Hate to burst the liberal bubble of ignorance, but Private School Tuition is TAXED now. Parents of children who decide that their children's education is a priority and cannot be trusted to the humanists and darwinists running our public education system are not able to deduct private school tuition on their tax returns from their taxable income. Therefore, the funds are taxed. I know, he wants the non-profit status of catholic and other private schools revoked so that they can throw more money at the problem. Its a terrible thing to actually have a brain and see this problem clearly. My post on one of the forums summed it up.

"Amazed at the rose colored glasses so many of you wear!

The reality is that we have an education system that is full of young idealist who have flocked here post Katrina to "educate" the under privileged, youth with no opportunities to face a cold reality... These kids have made a CHOICE to embrace the culture of crime and easy money. They don't want a 9-5 job, no matter how much it pays because they would rather hang out with their "homies" and terrorize the prey.

The reality is that if a child, no matter how under privileged sets his mind to getting out, he has multitudes of opportunities to do so at the public's expense... including achieving degrees at Tulane, Harvard, Yale.... but instead they are immersed in a family culture and racial culture which thinks and preaches that its too "white" to achieve and strive to do the right thing and become a functioning and contributing member of society.

Forget the race baiting, these animal predators that have been cultivated by the black community and now have become so bold that they kill anyone over ANYTHING.

The only ones who are blind to the problem is the black community which refuses to recognize that their problem is now everyone's problem. WAKE UP, the world has changed and the only limit to your children's potential is their will and desire to make something of themselves.

Instead you continue to spout the same slogans from the 60's while enjoying prosperity in this country that is worlds apart from the normal person in most other countries of the world.
Its time to accept responsibility and start instilling self esteem in your kids. Otherwise, enjoy the precession of funerals as these thugs kill each other while the rest of us get caught in the cross fire."

As much as I missed "home" while living in Virginia, everyday I find a new confirmation of the reasons why I did not move back into the City of New Orleans. The ignorance of those who are part of the problem and yet refuse to admit it while accusing anyone who points it out as racist are the cancer that continues to destroy any hope of New Orleans returning to any semblance of her former stature. In the meantime, I and my neighbors both black and white on the Northshore live on, while New Orleans drowns.


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