Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SARAH PALIN... Why We Like Her And Why They Hate Her

From the moment John McCain announced Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, a cataclysmic shift occurred in Barack Husein Obama’s race to become President of the United States. In the blink of an eye, the media’s self appointed savior and presumptive 44th President was in a tailspin from which he has not yet fully recovered. Equally as fast, the Republican Party came to its senses and mended the broken bridge with its evangelical conservative base. As Obama’s V.P. selection was scooped by the media in the early morning hours, McCain’s selection was as secretive as it was surprising.

Now, the political pundits from both the left and the right struggle to explain and understand how this once obscure woman from Alaska could have reinvigorated a party in decline and given birth to such an overwhelming groundswell of excitement, interest and support. In the midst of it they all seem to miss the obvious.

She is unlike any other political candidate before on the national stage. There is a directness in her approach and a sense that the words of patriotism and faith are not just words in her life but a part of her. The very portrait of her family speaks volumes of a family that has weathered the challenges that God sometimes sends our way and through it all, you see a family that is bonded together by love that is not contrived or superficial. Without doubt, it is a family like yours or mine that is imperfect and at times has failed to be all that it could be, but to any honest observer it is clearly one that is held together by love of one another. At its center, her family is most like ours with its disappointments, achievements and heartaches; therefore, when the attacks come we feel their hurts and take offense at the insidious evil which for political gain so ruthlessly seeks to destroy this woman and her family. In the end, most of her supporters come to recognize that she is most like us...the people.

This is why the level of attacks against her are beyond the pale and unprecedented. In the final analysis the left’s insincere political correctness, esoteric words, grandiose notions of fairness and claiming to help the weak are abandoned with their all encompassing desire to be in power "by any means necessary." They hate what Sarah Palin represents in general because it is a clear portrait of us and our beliefs which they despise above all.

On another note, as a Christian these attacks should be eye-opening since her beliefs and views as an evangelical are drawing the most vicious attacks from the left. Any Christian who has ever doubted that we could see physical persecution in America should take note of the attacks, ridicule and hatred directed at Sarah Palin. Although it is directed at her personally this time, it is not hard to see that the feelings and hatred that are driving these attacks are pervasively at Christians in general.