Friday, November 17, 2006

Can you say ...... Ooops?

I came across this picture on some obscure blog ... not really sure what the story behind it is; however, there was a funny fake letter from a wife to her hubby telling him about a little "accident" when she was pulling into the garage and accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brake.

My only comment is this...... if the car is a Corvette... he may forgive her... if it's a Ferrari she may as well start packing....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Help Katrina Victims This Holiday Season

As some of you may know, I am originally from New Orleans but also lived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast prior to Katrina. Although I moved a year before the storm hit, many of my friends and family are in the storm areas. Fortunately, my family members are doing well in their progress towards recovery; however, there are many who are still struggling and facing very difficult holidays ahead.

Specifically, many of the children in most families had very sparse Christmas gifts if any at all last year. Over a year later, many are still struggling to survive and their ability to provide toys, gifts and/or clothes is still very limited. I came across a web-blog by Leslie H. which is directed at helping people on the Mississippi Gulf Coast who were victims of Katrina, she mentions prominantly Bay St. Louis, Mississippi (also where I lived during high school and my parents still live that area). In any event, Leslie has set up a web-blog specifically allowing needy families to post their needs in the hopes that individuals and groups who are able will reach out and help them.

The blog gives posts on several families individually giving specifics regarding their needs. Unlike most charities etc., this is a chance to feel connected to your giving and know exactly what your gift was going for specifically.

In the last year I have been back to the area on three occasions and still remain shocked at the extent of the devastation and slow rebuilding process. I know many have compared this situation to 9/11, but there is simply no comparison because the effected area in New York was approximately 10-20 city blocks. On the coast the devastation was for 155 miles across the coast (from Mobile, Ala. to west of New Orleans) and northward for approximately 150 miles (damage as far north as Jackson, MS).

I would ask and challenge each person who reads my blog to visit Leslie's "Real People Hurricane Relief" blog and select a family and help if you are able. For many, I know its very limited what we can do individually, but if we get our churches, employers, and other civic groups involved we could make a huge difference in the lives of these people who truly lost everything and are still struggling to recover.

The blog's address is:

Even if you are not able to help, please pass the word about this website, the more people who know about and can possibly help, the bigger the impact we can make in the lives of these people who have truly been living on the edge for over a year and still need some help.

Thanks again and I hope that everyone's holidays will be very blessed.
All my best,
Note: I initially thought that Leslie was a CNN reporter but it was a mistake on my part after reading one of the posts on her blog which was an article written by Kathleen Koch who is a former resident of Bay St. Louis. Leslie notified me of the error and I wanted to clear up that mistake. I still think its a great thing she's doing since this is one of the few ways that individuals in need who are slipping through the cracks down there can call attention to their distress. Please help if you can!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Question: Is there a gang connection here?
U.S. Soldier pleads guilty in rape and murder of Iraqi Fourteen Year Old Girl

Several months ago I read an article which discussed in depth the problem of gang-bangers joining the military for combat training. Specifically, the article stated that there was a concerted effort by gangs to have their members join for the benefit of combat training and once returning to civilian life, these members were utilizing those skills in the gang turf wars. Quickly the story seemed to have disappeared in the myriad of election issues and other world events. However, I wonder if there is any connection between alleged gang-members in the military and this particularly heinous crime or other high-profile cases in which members of our military have done the unthinkable. I'm a realist and accept that there will always be "bad-apples" but this particular crime and other incidents reportedly perpetrated by a small number of our troops would seem to beg the question. Especially since these types of crimes would seem to be more normal conduct of "gang-bangers" rather than our normal high caliber men and women in uniform.

As of now, I have not heard of any gang connections in this particular case but the cold-blooded nature of the crime definitely makes me wonder. For the record, I am opposed to our military members becoming subject to Iraqi law (or any other foreign law) but in this circumstance, if these individuals are convicted pursuant to UCMJ, I would have no problem personally turning them over to the Iraqis for punishment.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Not One to Post Just for the Sake of Posting

As many of you know from reading my profile, I am presently in law school. The next couple of weeks will be leading up to my exams, so I will probably post very sporadically if at all. Please feel free to leave comments or join in the discussions on the existing topics. I usually check the posts during the week at various odd times and often will respond if the comment brings comments to mind.

Following my exams I will probably be posting on a regular basis, but even then I have to be compelled by an interesting topic because I'm not one for just posting mindless drivel (no affront intended to those who do), I'm just not any good at it... let's face it, there's only so many ways to say I'm over stressed and pressed for time.